Wish our PM had said that…

Excerpts from a column by British PM Tony Blair in the Sunday Times recently (May 27, 2007) (emphasis mine):

“The absconding of three people on control orders because of suspicion of their involvement in terrorism has, once again, thrown into sharp relief the debate about terrorism and civil liberty…(that is)… the balance between protecting the safety of the public and the rights of the individual suspected of being involved with terrorism.

We have chosen as a society to put the civil liberties of the suspect, even if a foreign national, first.

I happen to believe this is misguided and wrong. If a foreign national comes here, and may be at risk in his own country, we should treat him well. But if he then abuses our hospitality and threatens us, I feel he should take his chance back in his own home country.

…Their (terrorists) right to traditional civil liberties comes first.

I believe this is a dangerous misjudgment.

This extremism, operating the world over, is not like anything we have faced before. It needs to be confronted with every means at our disposal.

This extremism can be defeated.

But it will be defeated only by recognising that we have not created it; it cannot be negotiated with; pandering to its sense of grievance will only encourage it; and only by confronting it, the methods and the ideas, will we win.”


Coincidentally, Tavleen Singh also referred to this “sense of grievance” in her column yesterday about Indian Muslims: “De-Indianising Indian Muslims“.

She lamented “the�easygoing, Indianised Islam of before which gave us some of our great poets, musicians, writers, thinkers and movie stars…” and pointed out how Indian Muslims are gradually being affected by the “worldwide jehad” and mentioned “two books that I recommend to our policy makers”, “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and “The Islamist” by Ed Husain”…

Why? Because “…they have been written by Muslims who have observed what is happening in Europe from the inside” (emphasis mine)

“What does all this have to do with India? Well, we have the second largest population of Muslims in the world and since the early nineties they have been gradually radicalised.

Most Indian analysts are too politically correct to acknowledge this and those of us who do blame it on the demolition of the Babri Masjid. After the mosque was demolished in December 1992 there were riots across the country and especially bad ones in Mumbai in which more than a thousand Muslims lost their lives.

…We refuse to accept that there is a movement to de-Indianise Indian Muslims by imposing an Arabic idea of Islam.

Travel to any Indian city with a large Muslim population and you will see more veiled women than ever before, more children in Islamic schools and more overt influence of the religion than before.

Gone is the easygoing, Indianised Islam of before which gave us some of our greatest poets, musicians, writers, thinkers and movie stars.

…What is more worrying is the manner in which our “secular” politicians are making the same mistake Europe made by inadvertently encouraging the worst kind of Islamism through their policies.

Ever since the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government came to power in Delhi three years ago it has revived the old Congress policy of encouraging Muslims to believe they have valid reasons for a sense of grievance.

The Sachar Committee was set up with the specific purpose of establishing that Muslims do not get their share of the Indian pie without anyone bothering to point out that the problem lies mostly with the community…

…The UPA government has gone beyond Sachar in its efforts to create a sense of insecurity among Muslims.

Banks have recently been ordered to give priority loans to Muslims and there are at least two Congress states that have started reserving jobs for Muslims.

It was similar mistakes in England and Europe that allowed the Islamists to feed on insecurities and lure Muslims into their fold with ideas of pan-Islamism.

How long will it be before we see Muslim religious parties winning elections in other parts of India? How long will it be before these religious parties become involved in the international jehad because let us not forget that Hindus are as much the enemy as other kafirs like Jews and Christians?”

Sobering…and thought-provoking.

Hon PM Sh Manmohan Singh’s image: Courtesy PMO

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10 Responses

  1. Read this from one of our US brothers, Mr Sanjay…


    An entire Hindu family has been destroyed, right here in Southern California by Jihadis.
    The secular Indian media will probably say that they insulted Islam, the “religion of peace”
    Or that they deserved it because they were Gujaratis.

    Had this happened in India, we could have counted on Lallu Yadav to appoint an inquiry commission headed by a Bengali judge to establish that they committed suicide.

    Or Manmohan Singh to say that Muslims have the first claim on the nation’s resources, which apparently includes Hindu women.

    But, I believe in the U.S.A and it’s constitutional guarantee of the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. In this case, it is too late for all of the above, but hopefully, the U.S criminal justice system will deliver justice fast.

    There is a lesson in this tragedy for all of us who have daughters, i.e. to inculcate Hindu religious values and cultural nationalism from childhood. At the bare minimum, an ability to distinguish friend from foe.

  2. prince of angels says:

    ….mr. khurmi u got incited over a single hindu family’s women folk dishonoured…wat wld u say bout hundreds and thousands of muslim women folk dishonored during gujrat riots…and will remain to do so coz their only mistake is tat they r muslims…gve it an unbiased thought…

  3. haris says:


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    Pl. stick to the topic…and please avoid posting multiple comments on different topics on a single thread.

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    @Prince of Angels: What about the women passengers, small children in the Sabarmati Train which was torched along with its occupants ? What about the Kashmiri Pandits and their womenfolk ? And what about the hindu womenfolk who are abducted, forcibly converted and married to jehadis in the Islamic paradise called Pakistan ? Lies, more lies and propaganda of the likes of Teesta et al putting even Goebbels to shame cannot make many many many wrongs by pointing at Gujarat riots. Why no mention of the original reason for the conflagration of 2002 in Gujarat. Suppressio veri suggestio falsi ? Don’t be prince of darkness !!!

  5. Jayadevan says:

    Jagmohanji, Prince of Angels, KSV,

    I fail to see where religion comes into this.

    Jagmohanji, what do you mean to say? That murder is caused by a disease that affects only one community? Or that any incident has to be viewed only in the light of the religions of the participants?

    What would you people say if all the participants – the perpetrator and the victims – belonged to your own community? This might not fall into your favourite category, so you would close your eyes to the tragedy?

    In a human tragedy you only see the chance to recite your litanies of hate, forgetting that we are humans first and Hindu and Muslim later. Sad.


    Dear Jayadevan: Our country was divided into two separate nations based on the fact that the Muslims are a separate nation, having their own civilization, their own customs, their own culture, their own religion and a totally different way of life from Hindus. Muslims cannot be merged in any other nation because their philosophy of life is based on the principles of Islam. So, Muslims of India found it extremely difficult to spend their lives according to the principles of Islam in the United India. They were forced to demand a separate homeland to keep their religious as well as national identity.

    Whether you agree or not things are happening on the basis of religion. How hindus were reduced from 24% to 1% in Pakistan and now levying jizia in Swat valley is all based on religion. The main reason for the turmoil in Kashmir valley is religion. The pogrom of Kashmiri Pandits is also due to their religion. Are they not in camps under totally unhygienic conditions just because they are hindus?

    You cannot feign ignorance of what is happening all around you by mouthing cliches like “we are humans first and Hindu and Muslim later”. I too agree with that provided others also think like that. But what we all around is totally different. It is useless to quote scriptures when they are hell bent on attacking you – Vettu pothinte aduthu vedamothiyittu karyamundo ?

  7. Kaffir says:

    Ah yes. Vir Sanghvi has been showing signs of waking up from his deep “liberal” slumber and started to examine, for the first time perhaps, the positions he held and defended for many years. He wrote an op-ed along similar lines regarding “secular” media a while ago, taking them to task for their blatant double-standards. Let’s see if his “liberal” colleagues follow suit, or distance themselves from him by labeling Mr. Sanghvi as “saffron” instead of discussing his points.

  8. Seeing all these “Jesus loves children” and “Islam is religion of peace” brooming around is a guaranteed invitation for the instability.
    Believe it or not, its the natives who accommodated barbaric invaders and allowed them live and prosper here; even after these invaders destroyed local culture and heritage as much as possible to make their dirty will come true.
    The law of the must be upheld. I strongly support the separate law for the invaders who do any crime in this land. Be that a Jihadi, Father or any guru. Hang that person if proved guilty.
    There should be no respite for such terrorists or criminals. They can not and should not be treated at par to the nationals. On what basis are going to feed these enemy’s of the nation on exchequer’s money? Who gave you right to treat them as a citizen?
    Anyone who is involved in any such act of terrorism be that a jihadi or anyone else must be considered in different category for the betterment of this nation.

    Also as truly said by ‘Subramaniam’ it is the fight of religion. And Jihadis are following the teachings of their religious book. These are the same people who claim to follow the rules of messenger of god and the same messenger commands killing of non believers or bribe from them for their life.
    There is no such thing in the culture and teachings of this land and that is why these invaders could come and settle here.

    So called secularists need to do their homework and need apply the same rule to all not just one.

    I hear do not defend any sort of terrorism in this world by any entity or community.

    Jai Bharat!

    Jai Bharat!

  9. ashok says:

    Jayadevan. You are too innocent of history friend. People like you wake up late when it is too late. Wake up