Did I miss the riots?

Just came across Prudent Indian‘s comment on this post re. the Mecca Masjid blasts. I am reproducing it here:

“1.)Why did not Hindus rioted after Mumbai train blasts or Delhi serial bombings on the eve of Diwali or after AksharDham terrorist attack? WHY DID THESE RIOTS IN HYDERABAD? (To the list of attacks, I would add Sankat Mochan Temple attack where the restraint shown by Hindus was noted by even the international media).

2.)Why is it that it happened in AP a state run by “SECULAR” Chief Minister?Will these “shriek and shout” channels and “secular” newspapers demand his resignation?If,YES then show me one report demanding it and if NO,then why?”

Is PrudentIndian right or did I miss the riots?

In the meantime, Radha Rajan alerted me to the remark made by our Honourable Home Minister about how all religious places like “masjids, churches, mosques” will be given security cover – Did you spot the missing word? [clue: it begins with a “T”]

See also: “Unintended or deliberate: The missing H-word” 

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5 Responses

  1. Hi! Shantanu Thanks.

  2. energy says:

    Sorry to be the devils advocate here. We have never benefitted by showing restraint. If at all we have managed to convey a message with our restarint, its that Hindus as a race are impotent.

    I appreciate Prudent Indians point. But who wants appreciation by international media? Do we care a rats ass? The day Hindus start violently recoiling against abuse against our religion, that day will mark the beginning of the end of this misrule.

    And if and when such a day actually does arrive, when Hindus unite and bounce off trouble makers, then forget the home minister… the prime minister, the super prime minister ( nee Sonia ) and all secular jokers will start licking our feet.

    Chanakya said if you want peace be prapared for war. Hindus dont want a war but we have no choice. The sooner we realise this and start behaving with more conviction then its good time for us.

  3. Pramod says:

    We have never promoted HINDU as religion, we preached it is a way of life & “SANATAN” a reliogion.,
    Hindus multyply by division like Amoeba a unicelluar bactria.
    History of Sanatan is we never envaded in area remained like frog in pond or a crabe which pulls legs of other who tries to climb.
    We are never prepared for a war, only believe in theory of,”Live & let Live”

  4. Please read this :


    And this is what I have to say…

    I am surprised that people never understand that converting to Budhism, Jainism and Sikhism is not a ‘conversion’ in the much dreaded defination as understood by the world !

    Had they converted to Islam or Christianity it would have been a very sad and shamefull event, for that not only would have subtracted 60000 from Hindufold but also added another 60000 to the morbid enemies of Hindutava ! But now it is a matter of rejoice because they have added another upright 60000 Hindus to the Hindu nation….what’s more, they have, by ceasing to be untouchables, not only saved their individual lives but also diminished a big wound ( or a part of it ) from the heart of Hindutava itself. This is a very good step towards removing the most disgraceful blot i.e. ‘untouchablity’ from the glorious face of Bharat….

    And believe me, if we totally eradicate this disease called ‘untouchablity’ ( like we successfully washed away sati about a centuary ago ) the threat of Islamisation and Evangelism ( our sworn enemies ) will be a thing of past.

    Jai Hind,

    Jagmohan Singh Khurmi

  5. संदीप नारायण शेळके says:

    Achalpur Riots were pre-planned – Diwakar Raote

    I completely missed the report or complete coverage of the riot in Amaravati District in Oct 2007. No mention by pseudo-secular media about the same. But they (media and govt) are way too busy with the Goa blast (I’m not against the investigations in this case) but don’t have time for atrocities against Hindus.

    जय हिंद!