Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race

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This article was written by Ishani Chowdhury for and was previously available at (link broken). 

Please read the excerpts below to better understand the context behind the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019:

..While India is a total failure in protecting the Hindu population (case in point: Kashmir, the Northeast, the border districts of West Bengal) Hindus in other countries are not that well off either. According to the Fijian constitution, Indians can not own land, and Parlimentary seats are not allocated as per normal democratic means. On July 27, 2000 two hundred terrified Indians were rounded up and held hostage by George Speight’s supporters. Even at 44% of the population we can not do a thing, and the Indian government does not say a thing.

Fifty thousand Hindus in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh were killed in 1964 when a holy relic from a mosque was stolen in Kashmir. In 1992, three thousand Hindu temples were destroyed and thousands of Hindus killed in religious riots in Bangladesh. This is not something new. “There were riots in East Pakistan almost every year, and severe killings in 1944, 1947, 1950, 1954, 1958, 1960 and 1963,” states S.K. Bhattacharya in Genocide in East Pakistan/Bangladesh. Added to the long list of mass attacks is the daily harassment of Hindus. The Dhaka newspaper Sangabad reported on September 24, 1989, the story of Ms. Birajabala Debnath of Niradabad. She became a widow after her husband was murdered because he refused to give up his land to his Muslim neighbor. Then she and her five children were abducted in the middle of the night and murdered. Amnesty International’s 1996 report details the attack on innocent Hindu students at Dhaka University’s Jagannatha Hall. Seven hundred law enforcement personnel raided the University’s only Hindu hall firing tear- gas, stealing valuables and raping and beating students. The three hour raid saw hundreds of deaths and injuries (#5).

There have been legal assaults against the Hindus by the Bangladesh government as well, most especially the Vested Property Act, formally called the “Enemy Property Act.” It allows for the lands of a person who has fled the country to be seized and redistributed. In 1989, Bangla Land Minister Sunil Gupta stated that between 1984-1989 700,000 acres of land was confiscated from the Hindus, plus thousands of homes, shops, ponds, etc. The Bangladesh government is totally nonchalant about this and other incidents. It can be safely said that the government is indeed playing a major role in systematically exterminating the few remaining Hindus. Even as early as 1971, the new Bangladesh government chose to turn a blind eye to the incidents that were happening around them.

The Ramna Kali Bari in Dhaka, hundreds of years old, was shelled by the Pakistani Army and the new Bangladesh government confiscated the land, bulldozed the remains and turned the 66-acre area into a park. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina goes one step further to say “Bangladeshi Hindus have one foot in India and other in Bangladesh” and asked, given the divided loyalty, what should they expect and how much the local Muslims will listen to her government. It seems as though Sheik Hasina is suffering from an acute case of amnesia as it was her family that the Indian government saved from the hands of a military coup and the assassination of her father in 1975. Indeed, the Koran’s injunction of not trusting a non-Muslim, as stated in 4:144 of the chapter entitled An-Nisa (Women): “O ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than believers: Do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?” is followed to this day.

Bangladesh has indeed followed in Pakistan’s footsteps of exterminating Hindus. Pakistan’s Hindu population, once numbering 15% has been reduced to about 1%. In a recent Indian Express article, the remaining few are adopting Christian names so as to escape persecution by the Muslims (#6).

India Today’s November 8th (2000) article details the life of Pakistani Hindus who are crossing the border to settle in India, all due to sustained harassment by Muslims (#7). Bangladesh has successfully driven its once 35% Hindu population at partition to a mere 10% now. Conceivably, by 2050 Bangladesh will achieve the status of Pakistan: no significant Hindu population.
Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom in the world, has not escaped either. The Christian population, which was almost nil in 1960, has increased by leaps and bounds. Billions of dollars have been pumped in for conversion activities. Christians are asking everyone, via the Internet, to save the “lost Hindu” souls of Nepal. Islamic madrasas are cropping up in the border districts. The Muslim population of 2.5% in 1981 has increased to 3.5% in ten years. In December 1998, Muslims held rallies in Janakpur, Sita’s birthplace, calling for the conversion of Nepal to an Islamic state. It is indeed apt to ask if Nepal, in effect, is a Hindu state (#8).

While Americans are displaying pictures of Sri Krishna in gay magazines and branding the images of our deities on lunch boxes and t-shirts, half-way around the world, Hindus are losing their lives to Christian and Muslim fanatics. What is the use of organizing massive conferences detailing our past history when we are losing our future every single minute? Can such conferences save our fellow Hindus from the wrath of Abrahamic radicals? How many of the world’s one billion Hindus protested when 25 Hindus were massacred in Kashmir? (#9)
Compare this with the immense Hindu response that was given when one bamboo church was burned in the Dangs. Are Hindu lives that dispensable? The Kurds, a people without a homeland, rocked the world with simultaneous protests when their leader was handed over by Greece to Turkey. But the Hindus remained silent when in 1997 50,000 Reang tribals fled Mizoram — in fear of the Catholic spree of looting, burning, raping and killing. We are blissfully ignoring Sri Krishna’s message to Arjuna: to fight adharma [non-religion] wherever it may be.

It can safely be said that not only are we the most cowardice race that has ever lived, but also the most selfish one. Sending our children to Ivy League colleges can not wash away their Indian features or their Hindu heritage. We are doomed to be confined to the exhibits of a museum to be gawked at by curious onlookers, for many of whom we are ancestors.

Let us remember Swami Vivekananda’s words regarding conversions: “And then every man going out of the Hindu pale is not a man less, but an enemy more.” At the same time, let heed his warning: “Religion and religion alone is the life of India, and when that goes, India will die, in spite of politics, in spite of social reforms, in spite of Kubera’s wealth poured upon the head of every one of her children.” (#10)

5. Amnesty International,
6. Vij, Bhavna, “Shyam Sharma turns Peter Joseph, but still doesn’t feel safe in Lahore”, Indian Express, May 3, 2000,
7. Parihar, Rohit, “Home Away From Home”, India Today, November, 8, 1999, p. 6.
8. Jha, Hari Bansh, “Whither Nepal?”, Hinduism Today, October 1999, p.13.
9. “Kashmir: The Slaughter of Hindus Quietly Continues”, Hinduism Today, June 1999, p.21; Mercenaries massacre 23 Pandits in Valley, The Hindustan Times, January 27, 1998, nonfram/270198/detFRO01.htm; Dutt, Vijay, Evidence of Pak Support to ultras in J&K: Amnesty, The Hindustan Times, April 3, 1999,
10. “Quotes & Quips,” Hinduism Today, August 1999, p.9.

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5 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree with your entire article. I am an American, but married tjo an Indian. I have learned so much about Hindu and find it to be a very peaceful and satisfying religion. I was raised Christian though. I also agree that if HIndus/Indians around the world allow these things to happen they will lose a GREAT part of their culture. Another thing I notice here in the US is how many women from India renounce their heritage after settling here. It is saddening to see. I have had many Indian women comment about how odd it is to see me in full costume here. I have told many that they have a BRIGHT and collorful culture and that it should not be forgotten once here. These sort of things allow for many Americans to pass judgement easier if they see this.
    And you are so right about what Sri Krishna had told Arjun on lthe battlefield. I find it hard to believe that Hindus will not defend their faith as it was even in one of their most important Religious texts. Maybe they need to watch the Mahabarat again.

    Thank you!–>

  2. Raj Chanani says:

    In my openion, Nature provides a balance between various races and species. By various projections a race war is entirely possible.


  3. Khandu Patel says:

    I agree with the writer that being a Hindu in todays world presents considerable challenges. My study of sciences persuades me that if there is any space for God left, it is to inhabit the “moral” space. Ever the secularist, President Jefferson tore out the religious references in the bible to distill the ethical code which encompasses the State as well as the indidual. In this regard Hindus fail totally. As Hindus could not arrive at an absolute point of reference, they have resorted to attack monotheist who are very clear on this. This is not a luxury we can afford. No amount of tampering has been able to fix the problem. If the countless catastrophic has events has not awoken the Hindus out of their stupour nothing will. The only remaining hope for Hindus is to embrace Sikhism.

  4. v.c.krishnan says:

    Dear Shantanu,
    Yes the Hindu of yesteryear will be destroyed evolving into the new HINDU who represents the truth and belief of the Sanatana Dharma.
    The Hindu who was raised on half truths and beliefs that Bhagat Singh was a terrorist that Azad was a criminal that Hindus naver gave back anything to society will die and the new born Hindu, proud of his way ofd life is rising.
    The Hindu who relied on the imported Laws of yesteryears and the belief that the Way of Life has to be dismantled to coordinate with the whitemans belief will die out and the new Hindu will rise up to say ,Yes we have a way of life that has survived milleniums, and that we are proud of it.
    Today a person in India is not ashamed to go to the Siddhivinayak Temple on a weekday to have dharshan. A person does not feel ashamed that he celebrates Krishna Jayanthi in all its splendour.
    Today a person from India does not meekly nsubmit himself to the push of an evangelist, but asks him questions.
    The new JNU’sist does not feel ashamed to try out the ABVP.
    I think with support from your types of blogs and websites delivering on line information and facebook and twitter the NEW HINDU will awaken and will not live on a diet of dogmatism and stupid revelations, he will try out the best and live his way of life.

  5. d2thdr says:

    Don chya worry people. We will prevail. Why is Christianity on a wane in west? Its self explanatory. Why is there is a opposition to Islam in the west? Its self explanatory as the aims of islam do not correspond to what the general population believes.

    Middle east has always been a poor region until oil has given it strength based on the presence of US Nimitz class war ships in the persian gulf. Once these war ships disappear, so will the wahhabi cult which funds all these activities. And that will be the descent of islam.